Digital träning 10 och 17 juni
Välkommen på digital träning i SOMATIC / IMPROVISATION & TAILBONE_ING MOVEMENT PRACTICE med Natalia Drozd!
Lördag 10 juni kl. 10:00-12:00 / Aktiv tid på klass 10:15-11:45.
Lördag 17 juni kl 10:00-12:00 / Aktiv tid på klass 10:15-11:45.
Klassen är kostnadsfri för Danscentrum Norr medlemmar och sänds digitalt; använd ditt medlems-inlogg för att komma åt länken.
CLASS / Somatic Improvisation & Tailbone-ing movement practice. For years I have been investigating the relations between coccyx and pubic bone, atlas in the dancing body. Coccyx commonly known as the tailbone, is formed of three to four vertebras, attached down below to the sacrum. Together with pubic bone and sitz bones form a diamond shape in the pelvic floor, coccyx is a centre of the body, a superstar, a rockstar. The coccyx is a tiny beginning of the spine, but is powerful in continuous movement and makes the body three dimensional.
The main focus of movement exploration in this dance practice is coccyx, commonly known as tailbone and its relationships in the body. The class begins with a verbally guided dancing, as the introduction to anatomical structure which I am going to lead as a storytelling combining informative anatomical knowledge with abstract images in order to spark the imagination and dancing. Gradually building up to movement tasks to explore relations of the body radiating out from the coccyx.
BIO / Natalia Drozd is a professional dancer based in Moskosel, Sweden, originally from Wrocław, Poland. Holds the Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts in Dance Performance from DOCH/SKH Stockholm University of the Arts (2021). As a dancer, Natalia has worked with, among others: Linda Remahl, Harald Beharie, Femke Gyselinck,
Nicole Neidert, Ellen Söderhult, Cristina Caprioli/Ccap, Amanda Piña, Salva Sanchis, Thiago Granato, Michikazu Matsune, Matej Matejka.
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