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Postat: September 24, 2023

WORKSHOP Courtney May Robertson

Startdatum: October 12, 2023
Slutdatum: October 12, 2023
Starttid: 19:15
Sluttid: 20:45
Pris: Kostnadsfritt
Format: Fysisk träff
Plats: Norrlandsoperan, Umeå

Välkomna till workshop i MODERN/NUTIDA med Courtney May Robertson!


Workshopen arrangeras av Norrlandsoperan. Kostnadsfritt för dig som är medlem. Kom ihåg att du kan söka reseersättning. 



Möt koreografen och dansaren Courtney May Robertson i en workshop där ni tillsammans utmanar kroppens uthållighet, styrka och rörlighet. Men inte bara det, ni kommer också få provsmaka material från hennes föreställning ”the pleasure of stepping off a horse when it´s moving at full speed” som visas under Aerowaves finest på Norrlandsoperan 13 okt.



The workshop will begin with a functional training practice which incorporates a variety of my personal physical influences; we will work on stamina, agility, strength and focus of the mind. Following we will focus on learning dance material from my solo performance ‘the pleasure of stepping off a horse when it’s moving at full speed’. In particular, we will dissect and study two scenes from the work. One which requires minute isolation, extreme precision and sharpness, and another which combines lively hopping and skipping with dynamic changes of directions and detailed spatial patterns. We will work towards finding true freedom and joy in the body while maintaining form and clarity. Expect a very interactive workshop which will also include a variety of creative tasks; for example, developing material of your own in line with the fundamentals of the material from my performance. There will be plenty of space for questions, conversations and exchange in addition to a highly physical practice.


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