WORKSHOP Gaston Core
• WORKSHOP Gaston Core •
Välkomna till workshop i med koreografen Gaston Core!
🗓️Fredag 26 januari 2024 kl 10:00-13:00
📍Balettakademin Umeå
Workshopen anordnas av Balettakademin Umeå och Dans i Västerbotten i samarbete med Danscentrum Norr. Kostnadsfritt för dig som är medlem!
This workshop is intended for professionals and or students who develop their work in the dance field or that are interested on movement research. It is NOT only addressed to dancers or choreographers, but to circus performers, theatre makers, dramaturges, musicians, pedagogues and basically any person with experience in movement based works willing to dive into a specific
contemporary dance research methodology. The workshop is divided into two sections.
In the first part we will take the creation process of the Diptych of the Desert (formed by the solo The Very Last Northern White Rhino and the group piece Chorus) as an example to illustrate a research methodology that aims to develop new aesthetics of movement. We will dissect the process of production of meaning during the representation of a contemporary dance piece. Firstly We will underline the importance of working with the duality intuition – rationalization, and from both the choreographer’s and the dancer’s perspective on a two way street. We will also introduce some key theories to understand how the semantics of movement works and how to approach to the expressiveness of the movement itself, briefly analyzing specific approaches such as Meyerhold’s biomechanics. Then We will discuss concepts and ideas that will help us to understand how production of meaning works regarding spectator’s perception. We will analyze
how to work from movement and an articulating concept to consolidate a structure throughout the possible significations of the scenes can flow, commenting on the other scenic facets as sound, light and space and movement as the element that brings them all together and makes sense of all. We will approach the concepts of representation-presentation code or framing.
In the second part We will work by pairs in order to create little pieces of 1 to 3 minutes length.
Föreställning ”Worlds End” Norrlandsoperan i Umeå /
Lördag 27 januari 2024 kl 18:30 ”Sweet och The very last northern white rhino”
Lördag 27 januari 2024 kl 19:30 ” The very last northern white rhino och Sweet”
Varmt välkomna!